Hybrid is the way to go in a multi-cloud era

Hybrid is the way to go in a multi-cloud era

With IBM Cloud Private,a journey to the hybrid could be as seamless as it gets

The shift to cloud is intrinsic to digital transformation. This does bring up some challenges to organizations either in terms of legacy systems, security,or regulatory requirements. Hybrid cloud is the way to strike a balance with the flexibility of a cloud platform and the security of an on-prem model.

Weaving a cloud strategy

Not all organizations seem to be looking at the cloud holistically and there is still a piecemeal approach at work. Cloud-based applications are still seen as something distinct and separate from the existing IT infrastructure. This is driven by the assumption that cloud applications may not be interoperable with the software assets sitting in the data center. Enterprises cannot be blamed for this as that’s how it’s been historically. Consequently, legacy applications could, at best, be kept running until they could be retired, ripped off, and replaced by a cloud application. Not a great strategy, to say the least!

Thinking multi-cloud orchestration

Over a course of time, enterprises have deployed multiple clouds to meet their different agility and transformation needs. These different cloud platforms and applications don’t necessarily talk to each other. This scenario is akin to the IT silos of the yesteryears, with an added complexity thrown in.

Enter the era of multiple clouds – including the private one that could unlock the data center’s potential – and the need for their orchestration.

Not surprisingly, of the 500 IT decision makers surveyed worldwide by the IBM Center for Applied Insights, more than two-thirds said they would always have a blend of traditional IT and cloud. Nine out of the ten respondents from the sampled organizations said hybrid cloud gave them greater ROI than either an all-traditional or all-cloud environment.

Using hybrid to unlock value

A hybrid model, aka a blend of traditional IT and cloud, is not just about improving ROI or containing costs. It is even more about enabling competitive advantages in the realm of next-generation strategic business imperatives. A well-thought out and equally well implemented hybrid cloud plan could keep giving enterprises the jumpstarts they need at various stages of growth.

The IBM Cloud Private platform addresses just that need. It enables enterprises to modernize the legacy applications, by leveraging frameworks, libraries, and tools encompassing microservices, containers, and Kubernetes. The erstwhile data center silos could now be transformed into vibrant clouds that remain private for all compliance purposes even as their services become as widely accessible and available like the public clouds.

Having a carefully considered hybrid cloud strategy in place is of foremost importance, as it helps enterprises maximize the values of their existing and planned IT infrastructures. That the IBM Cloud Private platform facilitates both the development and the implementation of such a strategy helps.

Enter the hybrid cloud!

With the orchestration between the data center and the cloud and between multiple clouds now perfected, the hybrid model is here to stay and evolve.This orchestration is made even more seamless by the fact that enterprises IBM Cloud Private has been built grounds-up to address the needs of next-generation enterprises of a multi-cloud era.

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