Facebook Simplifies Account Security Controls With New Tool

Facebook recently announced  the general availability of Security Checkup, a new tool designed to help users better protect their accounts.

The social media giant started experimenting with Security Checkup in May. Now, after receiving feedback from the community, the company launched the tool worldwide.

According to Facebook, Security Checkup should make it easier for users to find and use account security controls.

Accounts are often compromised because their owners forget to log out after signing in from a shared device. Security Check addresses this problem with a feature called “Log Out of Unused Apps.”

It informs users of the browsers and apps they’ve logged in from and which have not been utilized in a while. Users can quickly log out of all apps or select the ones they want to log out from.

Another feature included in Security Check is called “Login Alerts” and it allows users to turn on alerts for when Facebook detects potentially unauthorized login attempts. The social media website has been informing customers of any suspicious activity, but this feature provides an added layer of control.

The final feature is designed to teach users how to protect their account password. It also allows them to easily change their current password.

Facebook says users should see a Security Checkup reminder at the top of their news feed over the next few weeks. Users who want to try out the new tool before getting the reminder can do so by accessing the dedicated Security Checkup page.

Security Checkup is currently available for Facebook running on desktop operating systems, but the company plans on making it available on mobile platforms as well.

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