Twitter goes down for an hour

It’s possibly not a good idea to slow down or not work, especially when you are looking for suitors to sell yourself. It’s certainly been a rough year for Twitter and things are not really looking up for them.

Monday morning, the social media networking site faced some technical problem, and it was not trivial. The blue-bird site was not responding for almost an hour, with all application extensions including the popular Tweetdeck going kaput.

Users  experienced issues with loading their timelines and posting tweets (which, it turns out, is more difficult to track without the help of Twitter). Unlike partial outages where certain features go down one at a time, Twitter  showed no signs of life.

”During a planned deploy in one of our core services, we experienced unexpected complications that made Twitter unavailable for many users starting at 11:01am. We rolled back the change as soon as we identified the issue and began a controlled recovery to ensure stability of other parts of the service. The site was fully recovered by 11:47am PDT. We apologize for the inconvenience.”said Twitter.

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