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Smart Paper -- The Total Economic Impact Of IBM Turbonomic Application Resource Management

Application supply chains are massive, complex, multi-tiered beasts that face an ever-changeable volume and variety of demand. This complexity far outstrips the human capacity to comprehend, never mind effectively, manage. Turbonomic’s ARM distinctives include:

  • Completely agentless: Turbonomic works through APIs to discover applications, platforms, and infrastructure resources, including the relationships between them.
  • Powerful analytics engine: The analytics engine that drives real-time optimisation is the exact same one that is used for planning in the first place. Without these capabilities, overprovisioning (itself a problem) is based on a guess and can jeopardise performance with the best of intentions.
  • Automation engine: Turbonomic accounts for the full stack, with analysis that is multi-dimensional and continuous. Actions can be executed in real time, scheduled for planned change windows, or incorporated into existing workflows, letting organisations pace automation to fit their cultural norms.

Read a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting,"The Total Economic Impact™ Of Turbonomic Application Resource Management for IBM Cloud® Paks"

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